The excitement continues… Colorado Rapids Youth Soccer Club will be including top-of-the-line TOCA Touch Trainers within our new indoor training facility! These training machines are perfect for players of all skill and experience levels, and will precisely deliver balls at specified speeds, locations, and trajectories for an accelerated training experience all through your smart phone. The cutting-edge technology TOCA Touch Trainers align perfectly with our mission to provide an environment where soccer players are inspired to reach their full potential. TOCA trainers are able to deliver a game’s worth of quality touches in a matter of minutes and will dramatically improve competence and confidence on the ball. The TOCA Curriculum is designed by top-level professional coaches and players to create game-like situations through hundreds of exercises with precise and repetitive deliveries that focus on strengthening core playing skills. The TOCA Training model identifies strengths and weaknesses by using innovative technology after years of meticulous testing and research.
As an affiliate for TOCA, Rapids Youth Soccer will have the ONLY machines for commercial rental within the Denver Metro Area. This will allow our members the unique opportunity to access advanced training opportunities within the new indoor training facility. We are excited to incorporate the TOCA trainers to further or mission to be the top youth soccer club in Colorado. Similarly, TOCA’s mission to dramatically improve the technique, performance, and engagement of all soccer players through cutting-edge technology and innovative soccer training will be supported by their work with our #OneClub community.
Check out the TOCA trainer in action with two first team United States National Team players, Gyasi Zardes and Christen Press!