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CRYSC FootGolf

Categories: Community News
Published on: September 16, 2018

Rapids 2018 FootGolf Tournament

Posted by: Curtis Gardner | Director of Outreach

Certain things about the fall season we’ve all come to know and love. Crisp leaves blowing sideways across the field. The early-morning chill as you pile into the car. Beautiful, clear blue skies. Some might be inclined to also mention the stale chewiness of candy corn and regular visits to haunted houses. For 3 years now, we’ve been working to add another thing for us all to know and love about the fall season: the World’s Largest FootGolf Tournament.

Back when we were rookies, which was a really long time ago (2016), we launched a FootGolf Tournament as a way to raise important funds for our Outreach Department. The idea of playing FootGolf as a fundraiser just makes sense. We are a soccer club, and FootGolf is amazingly simple to play for people of all ages and soccer backgrounds. The funds we raise allow more youth to receive soccer programming in schools with high rates of Free and Reduced Lunch, a service that is in incredibly high demand across our city and state.


Back then, when we were rookies, we had everything we needed to host a great fundraiser. Worthy cause? Definitely. Fun, inclusive activity? You bet. The support of staff, coaches, parents, and players? Absolutely. But, it wasn’t enough for us. We took all of that and decided to add a healthy dose of worldly, adventurous ambition. A quick google searched revealed that nobody actually owns the World Record for the World’s Largest FootGolf Tournament. “Aha!” we thought. “That can be us! That should be us!”

We’ve come to learn, as we’ve grown from being rookies to seasoned veterans now in our third season, that setting a Guinness World Record is really hard even when there is no actual record-holder. According to Guinness’ research team, 250 participants is a reasonable expectation for a potential record holder. Our 2016 tournament had 220 participants. Our 2017 tournament had 250 on the dot after we convinced 5 Park Hill staff members to play a round at 5 pm. The fact remains: we are not yet the official title holders of the World’s Largest FootGolf Tournament.

We could hang up the boots and call it a day. In all honesty, we could continue doing successful FootGolf tournaments with or without the official World Record. In other words, we don’t need you, Guinness. But we accept your challenge for the third year, and we’re ready to blow your 250 mark out of the water.

The die has been cast, the stakes are high, the moment is now, and we need your help. Let’s build one more great thing that we know and love about the fall season: The World’s Largest FootGolf Tournament.

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