Colorado’s Largest Youth Soccer Tournament! Do you have what it takes to compete against the best teams from Colorado and the Western United States? Teams from all ages and levels 9U to 19U can prepare for their Fall seasons with the best competition you’ll find across the Rocky Mountains this Fall! The 14th Annual Rapids Classic will take place August 14th-17th, 2025 at multiple locations across the Denver Metro Area. The tournament is open to competitive teams ages 9U to 19U, with Elite Divisions for Girls 11U to 19U and Boys 11U to 15U!
The Rapids Classic takes the crown again as the LARGEST tournament in Colorado THREE years in a row, with 658 teams joining us in 2024! To find all the information you need to register your team in the Rapids Classic, please read through our “Tournament Resource Hub” below. For any questions, comments, or concerns, please get in touch with CRYSC Tournament Staff via email by clicking here!
*All CRYSC Tournaments have a NO PET POLICY at all facilities! For more information, please click here.*
Tournament Weekend Details
- When? Thursday, August 14th to Sunday, August 17th, 2025
- Who? 9U-15U Boys & 9U-19U Girls
- ELITE Championships? 11U-19U Girls & 11U-15U Boys
- Teams from Elite Leagues (I.e. ECNL, ECRL, DPL, etc.)
- Where? DSGP, Gates Complex, ASP, & Broomfield Commons
- How Much? $875-$1075 per team, depending on age & level
- End of Early Bird Pricing: 11:59 PM on July 10th, 2025
- $100 increase applies to on 7/11 to posted fees.
- Deadline to Register? 5:00 PM on Thursday, July 17th, 2025
- Roster Submission Deadline? 5:00 PM on July 31st, 2025
- Schedule Release? Estimated on July 31st, 2025
Tournament Pricing & Age Group Info
9U-10U Info & Pricing
- 7 v 7
- 3 Games Guaranteed
- Max Roster: 12 Players, 3 Staff
- 2 x 20 Minute Halves, 5 min. halftime
- Size 4 Ball
11U-12U Info & Pricing
- 9 v 9
- 3 Games Guaranteed
- Max Roster: 16 Players, 3 Staff
- 2 x 25 Minute Halves, 5 min. halftime
- Size 4 Ball
13U-19U Info & Pricing
- 11 v 11
- 3 Games Guaranteed, Size 5 Ball
- Max Roster: 19 Players, 3 staff
- 13U-14U: 2 x 30 Min Halves, 5 min. HT
- 15U-16U: 2 x 35 Min Halves, 5 min. HT
- 17U-19U: 2 x 40 Min Halves, 5 min. HT
Tournament Resource Hub
Click through the tabs below to find information critical to our tournament weekend.
Pre-Registration Details
Teams should register and play according to the 2023 Fall season. We will follow US Soccer’s Age Group Guidelines based on birth year. Elite Divisions will comprise the highest level of teams registered. You should register your team for placement according to the below hierarchy:
- ELITE Division – ECNL, ECRL, E64, DPL, GAL, or Equivalent Elite Leagues
- GOLD Division – CSA Champions League Teams P1-P3
- SILVER Division – CSA Centennial Elite, Platinum, & stronger Gold teams
- BRONZE Division – Centennial Silver, Bronze, and Recreational teams
The placement of teams is dependent on the composition of applicants in each age group. The suggested hierarchy above is a perfect-case scenario. Some divisions may be structured differently. For example, if there are no teams from CSA P1 or P2 that apply, then the Gold Divisions would be composed of CSA P3 & CSA Elite teams.
Early Bird Registration, Registration Deadline, & Waitlists:
- Early Bird Pricing will end on July 11th, 2024.
- A $100 Late Registration Fee will apply after 11:59 PM on July 11th, 2024.
- The FINAL Registration Deadline will be at 5:00 PM on July 18th, 2024.
- Teams waitlisted will be notified no later than July 18th, 2024 of their acceptance into the event.
- Waitlists:
- If your team is waitlisted, this means that your age group might be filled to capacity. If you are waitlisted, please contact Tournament Staff for clarification on your application status.
- Click HERE to email our staff!
Acceptance Process:
- Acceptances have begun!
- If your team is traveling for this event, please reach out directly to check the status of your application.
- We can accept teams early who are traveling to allow for ample time to reserve accommodations.
Payment Process:
- Payment is NOT processed when you register or when you are accepted.
- Teams can pay their own fees online through the following steps:
- Log into GotSport and click on “Team Management”, then “Registrations”.
- In “Registrations”, click on the team name next to “Rapids Classic – 2024”
- In the registration pop-up, at the top click on “Billing”.
- In “Billing”, click on “Pay Now” next to “TOTAL BALANCE”.
- All payments MUST be completed before August 2nd, 2024!
- Any unpaid fees will be charged to the card on file on August 2nd, 2024.
Bracketing, Ranking & Schedule Information
Bracket Structures:
All teams are guaranteed a minimum of three (3) games, weather permitting. The bracket size for each age group will determine group formats. Single-age brackets will be standard, while combined-age brackets may occur based on registration numbers. The tournament organizer will determine brackets.
- 4-team bracket – 3-game round robin with two highest point teams playing in a championship.
- 5-team bracket – 4-game round robin with the highest point team as champion.
- 6-team bracket – Two 3-team groups with cross-bracket group play. Each team will play 3 games, one against each team in the opposite group. The top 2 teams overall will play in a final.
- 8-team bracket – Two 4-team groups, with the top team in each group playing in the final.
Ranking Process:
- Once registration is closed, teams in each age group are ranked numerically, starting with 1.
- Rankings are based on:
- The difficulty of your League Schedule (I.e., what division you are in)
- Most recent League Standings & Records (I.e., how well you did in that league)
- Future team placement by CSA (I.e., if CSA is moving you up or down)
- League Goal Differential (I.e., Helps differentiate teams in similar league standing)
- Questions answered within our Application Process
- The “Soccer Rankings” App is used as a final cross-reference for team placement based on their team ratings built from sourcing records from over 400 soccer databases.
- Once rankings are complete, teams are seeded in groups based on their ranking in a “Snake” placement order.
- 6-Team Group Example: Group A = 1, 4, & 5 | Group B = 2, 3, & 6
- 8-Team Group Example: Group A = 1, 4, 5, & 8 | Group B = 2, 3, 6, & 7
- This is the standard ranking procedure for top youth sports tournaments across the country.
Schedule Information:
- Schedules will be released to teams on August 1st, 2024.
- Teams will have 24 hours to review schedules and request changes, all changes are subject to staff authorization, and no guarantees can be made.
- If you have any special requests, please reach out early before July 18th and let us know! We will do our best to accommodate, but can not make any guarantees.
- Example: “Our team is driving from Vail, please do not schedule us later than 5 PM and earlier than 9 AM”
Expected Locations for Teams:
- 11v11 – SOME at DICK’S Sporting Goods Park (Grass), Some @ Broomfield Commons (Turf) & Some at ASP (Turf/Grass)
- 9v9 – MOST at Gates South Complex (Grass), Some at Dove Valley (Grass), Broomfield Commons (Grass/Turf), Aurora Sports Park (Turf & East Pods), and DSGP (Grass)
- 7v7 – MOST at Gates North Complex (Grass), Some at Aurora Sports Park (Grass) and Dove Valley (Grass)
Projected Times of Games:
- Thursday, August 15th, 2024:
- 7v7 – Some local teams will play between 5:30 PM and 9:30 PM
- 9v9 – Some local teams will play between 5:30 PM and 9:30 PM
- 11v11 – Some local teams will play between 5:30 PM and 9:30 PM
- Friday, August 16th, 2024:
- 7v7 – Some teams MAY play from 5:30 PM to 9:30 PM (All teams eligible, including out-of-state teams)
- 9v9 – Some teams MAY play from 5:30 PM to 9:30 PM (All teams eligible, including out-of-state teams)
- 11v11 – Some teams MAY play from 5:30 PM to 9:30 PM (All teams eligible, including out-of-state teams)
- Saturday, August 17th, 2024:
- All ages, all day from 8:00 AM to 6:30 PM
- Sunday, August 18th, 2024:
- All ages, all day from 8:00 AM to 5:30 PM
Teams Traveling From Out of State or Far Distances:
- Thursday & Friday should used as travel days to arrive in Denver, Colorado.
- If you plan to travel on Friday, please plan to arrive in Denver BEFORE 3:00 PM on Friday, 8/16/2024.
- Teams traveling far distances WILL NOT have games on Thursday.
- Friday games after 5:30 PM ARE a possibility for ALL teams.
- ALL TEAMS staying in hotels must use Traveling Team services to assist their stay in Colorado. Contact info can be found in the “Lodging” tab above.
Documentation Needed for Roster Verification:
You will need to upload documents into GotSport for verification:
- Event Roster: Build a roster in GotSport’s Roster Builder. (CLICK FOR VIDEO TUTORIAL)
- Player ID Cards PDF (If your team is NOT USYS or if your roster does NOT have pictures)
- All non-USYS teams must submit player ID cards with their roster.
- All teams whose roster does NOT have pictures must submit Player ID cards as a PDF.
- Medical Forms PDF
- All non-CRYSC teams must submit medical forms!
- CRYSC teams DO NOT need to upload forms, as we have yours on file.
- Click HERE – Medical Forms | USYS
- Guest Player Form – Google Survey (*If needed*)
- Complete the Google survey form linked below for your guest players!
- CRYSC Tournaments Guest Player Form Survey
- We are NO LONGER doing PDF or paper Guest Forms.
Please contact your club if you have trouble locating these forms in your respective system!
5-Step Roster Approval Process:
1. Upload Medical & Guest Player Docs into your GotSport Registration.
- Please review our “CRYSC Tournaments Guest Player Policy” – Click HERE.
- Complete the Google survey form linked below for your guest players!
- CRYSC Tournaments Guest Player Form Survey
- We are NO LONGER doing PDF or paper Guest Forms.
- Only needed if your team has guest players who are NOT on the approved roster.
- Medical Forms should be uploaded as a PDF document.
- Medical forms MUST be collated into ONE file. They can not be uploaded one form at a time.
- Click HERE to watch – “How to Upload Your PDFs After Registering”
2. Build Your Event Roster into GotSport.
- All teams must build their roster within the GotSport Roster Builder located in your team’s Event Roster tab in your GotSport Account.
- You can add and subtract players, coaches, etc., through this system.
- Click HERE to watch – “How to Build Your Team Roster in GotSport”
- There are NO exceptions to this. PDF rosters will NOT be accepted.
3. Wait For Your Approved Roster to Be Approved & Emailed to you.
- Once you have built your roster in GotSport, the Tournament Staff will review rosters.
- Once verified, Staff will put a RED STAMP on the UPPER RIGHT corner of the PDF.
- Once it has been stamped, the team coach & manager will be emailed the approved roster.
- As long as your roster in this email is correct, you DO NOT need to respond.
- If the roster you receive via email is INCORRECT, please contact staff immediately!
- Teams Who Submitted A Guest Player Form:
- The survey you completed is made into a “Proof of Guest Player Approval” document.
- This document will be stamped & included in the email with your Roster.
- Teams will receive an approved roster no later than Thursday, July 8th!
4. Prepare Your Team Families For A Successful Weekend.
- Review the Rapids Classic Rules & Regulations – Click HERE!
- Communicate our “No-Pet Policy” to your team families! – Click HERE
- Review our “Let Us Play – Sideline Conduct Policy” – Click HERE”
- Spectators & sidelines with inappropriate behavior *could* face POINT DEDUCTIONS.
5. Prepare Documents For Team Check-In.
- A Team Rep MUST check in at the Event HQ at your facility 1 HOUR before your first game!
- Your “Team Rep” can be the coach, assistant coach, or team manager.
- You will need to show proof of approved PDF forms via an electronic device!
- Save PDF files to your phone! (Google Drive, Apple Files Drive, Etc.)
- Or… pull up the email that contained your approved roster PDF.
- Check-In Google Form:
- You will complete a quick 1-min Google Form that will complete your check-in process.
- A QR code will be at the HQ Tent for you to scan or;
- A tablet will be at the HQ Tent for you to use & complete the form.
Roster Approval Timeline:
- Roster Uploading/Building will close at 5:00 PM on Wednesday, July 31st.
- All teams will receive an approved roster no later than 5:00 PM on Thursday, August 8th.
*Rec Teams Who Need Help!*
- As an event that accepts certain recreational teams, we acknowledge that some teams are being run by parents who are very new to this process.
- Please do not hesitate to contact for assistance, as we are committed to simplifying this process for all teams involved.
- Please contact [email protected] for more information!
Roster Checks Before Games:
- Referees WILL check the rosters printed on the Game Cards before each match.
- Referees WILL perform a safety/equipment check-in.
- Referees WILL NOT collect any documents from teams.
- Referees will inquire with tournament staff if there are any questions regarding player eligibility.
The On-Site Team Check-In Process
Check-In Requirements:
At Check-In, you will need to show electronic documentation proof of:
- Approved Roster (PDF)
- This is the Roster that was emailed to you with the RED stamp.
- Medical Forms (PDF)
- Guest player Survey Confirmation (Email)
- After you complete the online survey form, you will receive a confirmation email that you submitted the form.
- Show this confirmation email at Check-In.
Check-In Process:
You will need to show proof of approved PDF forms via an electronic device!
- This is the Roster that was emailed to you.
- Save PDF files to your phone! (Google Drive, Apple Files Drive, Etc.)
- Or… pull up the email that contained your approved roster PDF.
Complete Check-In Google Form @ HQ Tent Where Your First Game Is Located
- ONE Team Rep MUST check in at the Event HQ at your pod 1 HOUR before your first game!
- Your “Team Rep” can be the Head Coach, Assistant Coach, or Team Manager.
- Whoever is checking the team in will complete a quick 1-minute Google Survey to complete your check-in process.
- A QR code will be at the HQ Tent for you to scan!
Check-In Expectations:
In no event will a player be allowed to participate who has not been certified by the Rapids Tournament Staff Credentials Committee. Once play has started in the first scheduled game, no players may be added to the roster for the remainder of the tournament.
Tournament officials approve all team rosters and eligible players. Proof of team check-in with the tournament will be visible on the team’s tournament roster. Referees will review individual player credentials prior to each game. Referees will perform a safety/equipment check-in. Referees will inquire with tournament staff if there are any questions regarding player eligibility.
Weather, Extreme Conditions, & Cancellations
The Tournament Leadership staff is committed to providing exceptional experiences for our participants. Weather is never in our control, but how we plan, prepare, and react to anything that comes our way is under our control. We stand united to provide clear communication, best-case-scenario solutions, and do everything in our power to play all games at every event we host. Regardless of the weather, all teams are expected to arrive at their fields on time unless otherwise indicated by the Tournament Director.
Most Important Weather-Related Information:
- Where To Find Weather-Related Updates
- Posts Online: Weather updates will be posted online in real-time in 2 locations:
- Location 1: The GotSport Schedule Page (Event Alert @ Top of Page)
- Location 2: The Tournament Website (Event Alert @ Top of Page)
- These will be updated within 15 minutes from when a delay starts.
- Announcements On-Site: Event Staff will make on-site announcements:
- Facility Speaker System: Some facilities have Speakers that will be used.
- Bull Horns: Event Staff will also have multiple bull horns & make
announcements while driving on golf carts through parking lots. - Announcements will be made in real-time as updates come across.
- Posts Online: Weather updates will be posted online in real-time in 2 locations:
- Games Past Halftime are Called FINAL after 60 minutes of Dealys
- If a delay exceeds 60 minutes, any games in progress will be called final at their time of stoppage if a game has reached halftime or is in the second half.
- Weather-Related Refund Policy:
- 80% refund – The event is canceled entirely due to weather or any other external forces.
- 60% refund – If only 1 game is played of the 3 guaranteed games.
- 30% refund – If only 2 games are played of the 3 guaranteed games.
- Weather-Monitoring Software:
- State-of-the-art radar software (WX Sentry) is used to make weather-based decisions.
- The software can read storm speed/direction, strength/size, and any lightning strikes that may be within a 30-mile radius, 15-mile radius, and 10-mile radius.
- Only WxSentry will be used to make weather-related decisions.
We have partnered with Tournament Housing Services (THS) to handle our housing needs. Teams and families in need of overnight accommodations are encouraged to Stay & Save by booking through our official housing service. THS offers access to exclusive, discounted hotel options conveniently located near the tournament playing sites. With legendary customer support, THS is certain to deliver a seamless housing experience while you Stay, Play, and Save!
Contact THS with any housing questions:
- Email: [email protected]
- Phone: 908-979-0928
- Toll-Free: 888-536-8326
STAY and SAVE with THS to take advantage of the benefits below and so much more. Here are the 6 major benefits of booking with THS:
- Real-Time Hotel Availability
- Lowest Rate Guarantee
- No Hidden Booking Fees
- Flexible Cancellations & Change Policies
- Team-Friendly Group Block Tools
- Day of Arrival & Post Event Support
Rapids Classic Referee Information
Want a “better” referee? Sign up for classes, study hard, and YOU can be the change our community craves!
**Under NO circumstances are spectators, coaches, or players allowed to verbally or physically abuse referees. This shortage does have a direct correlation to the poor treatment of youth soccer referees across the US. Any unacceptable behavior will result in your removal from our facilities.**
Do You Want To Referee At the Rapids Classic?
Please email our assignor, Deanna, at [email protected]
CSA Referee Administration
- Esse Baharmast – Director of Referees
- Deanna Duncan-Allen – Director of Game Assignment/Referee Registration
Colorado Referee Committee:
- Esse Baharmast Interim State Referee Administrator / State Youth Referee Administrator
- Scott McCaslin, State Director of Referee Development
- Younes Marrakchi, State Director of Assignment
Referee Disciplinary Committee:
- Megan McCain
- Chair #2 – TBD
- Chair #3 – TBD
- [email protected]
- Registration Details
Pre-Registration Details
Teams should register and play according to the 2023 Fall season. We will follow US Soccer’s Age Group Guidelines based on birth year. Elite Divisions will comprise the highest level of teams registered. You should register your team for placement according to the below hierarchy:
- ELITE Division – ECNL, ECRL, E64, DPL, GAL, or Equivalent Elite Leagues
- GOLD Division – CSA Champions League Teams P1-P3
- SILVER Division – CSA Centennial Elite, Platinum, & stronger Gold teams
- BRONZE Division – Centennial Silver, Bronze, and Recreational teams
The placement of teams is dependent on the composition of applicants in each age group. The suggested hierarchy above is a perfect-case scenario. Some divisions may be structured differently. For example, if there are no teams from CSA P1 or P2 that apply, then the Gold Divisions would be composed of CSA P3 & CSA Elite teams.
Early Bird Registration, Registration Deadline, & Waitlists:
- Early Bird Pricing will end on July 11th, 2024.
- A $100 Late Registration Fee will apply after 11:59 PM on July 11th, 2024.
- The FINAL Registration Deadline will be at 5:00 PM on July 18th, 2024.
- Teams waitlisted will be notified no later than July 18th, 2024 of their acceptance into the event.
- Waitlists:
- If your team is waitlisted, this means that your age group might be filled to capacity. If you are waitlisted, please contact Tournament Staff for clarification on your application status.
- Click HERE to email our staff!
Acceptance Process:
- Acceptances have begun!
- If your team is traveling for this event, please reach out directly to check the status of your application.
- We can accept teams early who are traveling to allow for ample time to reserve accommodations.
Payment Process:
- Payment is NOT processed when you register or when you are accepted.
- Teams can pay their own fees online through the following steps:
- Log into GotSport and click on “Team Management”, then “Registrations”.
- In “Registrations”, click on the team name next to “Rapids Classic – 2024”
- In the registration pop-up, at the top click on “Billing”.
- In “Billing”, click on “Pay Now” next to “TOTAL BALANCE”.
- All payments MUST be completed before August 2nd, 2024!
- Any unpaid fees will be charged to the card on file on August 2nd, 2024.
- Brackets + Schedules
Bracketing, Ranking & Schedule Information
Bracket Structures:
All teams are guaranteed a minimum of three (3) games, weather permitting. The bracket size for each age group will determine group formats. Single-age brackets will be standard, while combined-age brackets may occur based on registration numbers. The tournament organizer will determine brackets.
- 4-team bracket – 3-game round robin with two highest point teams playing in a championship.
- 5-team bracket – 4-game round robin with the highest point team as champion.
- 6-team bracket – Two 3-team groups with cross-bracket group play. Each team will play 3 games, one against each team in the opposite group. The top 2 teams overall will play in a final.
- 8-team bracket – Two 4-team groups, with the top team in each group playing in the final.
Ranking Process:
- Once registration is closed, teams in each age group are ranked numerically, starting with 1.
- Rankings are based on:
- The difficulty of your League Schedule (I.e., what division you are in)
- Most recent League Standings & Records (I.e., how well you did in that league)
- Future team placement by CSA (I.e., if CSA is moving you up or down)
- League Goal Differential (I.e., Helps differentiate teams in similar league standing)
- Questions answered within our Application Process
- The “Soccer Rankings” App is used as a final cross-reference for team placement based on their team ratings built from sourcing records from over 400 soccer databases.
- Once rankings are complete, teams are seeded in groups based on their ranking in a “Snake” placement order.
- 6-Team Group Example: Group A = 1, 4, & 5 | Group B = 2, 3, & 6
- 8-Team Group Example: Group A = 1, 4, 5, & 8 | Group B = 2, 3, 6, & 7
- This is the standard ranking procedure for top youth sports tournaments across the country.
Schedule Information:
- Schedules will be released to teams on August 1st, 2024.
- Teams will have 24 hours to review schedules and request changes, all changes are subject to staff authorization, and no guarantees can be made.
- If you have any special requests, please reach out early before July 18th and let us know! We will do our best to accommodate, but can not make any guarantees.
- Example: “Our team is driving from Vail, please do not schedule us later than 5 PM and earlier than 9 AM”
Expected Locations for Teams:
- 11v11 – SOME at DICK’S Sporting Goods Park (Grass), Some @ Broomfield Commons (Turf) & Some at ASP (Turf/Grass)
- 9v9 – MOST at Gates South Complex (Grass), Some at Dove Valley (Grass), Broomfield Commons (Grass/Turf), Aurora Sports Park (Turf & East Pods), and DSGP (Grass)
- 7v7 – MOST at Gates North Complex (Grass), Some at Aurora Sports Park (Grass) and Dove Valley (Grass)
Projected Times of Games:
- Thursday, August 15th, 2024:
- 7v7 – Some local teams will play between 5:30 PM and 9:30 PM
- 9v9 – Some local teams will play between 5:30 PM and 9:30 PM
- 11v11 – Some local teams will play between 5:30 PM and 9:30 PM
- Friday, August 16th, 2024:
- 7v7 – Some teams MAY play from 5:30 PM to 9:30 PM (All teams eligible, including out-of-state teams)
- 9v9 – Some teams MAY play from 5:30 PM to 9:30 PM (All teams eligible, including out-of-state teams)
- 11v11 – Some teams MAY play from 5:30 PM to 9:30 PM (All teams eligible, including out-of-state teams)
- Saturday, August 17th, 2024:
- All ages, all day from 8:00 AM to 6:30 PM
- Sunday, August 18th, 2024:
- All ages, all day from 8:00 AM to 5:30 PM
Teams Traveling From Out of State or Far Distances:
- Thursday & Friday should used as travel days to arrive in Denver, Colorado.
- If you plan to travel on Friday, please plan to arrive in Denver BEFORE 3:00 PM on Friday, 8/16/2024.
- Teams traveling far distances WILL NOT have games on Thursday.
- Friday games after 5:30 PM ARE a possibility for ALL teams.
- ALL TEAMS staying in hotels must use Traveling Team services to assist their stay in Colorado. Contact info can be found in the “Lodging” tab above.
- Check-In + Rosters
Documentation Needed for Roster Verification:
You will need to upload documents into GotSport for verification:
- Event Roster: Build a roster in GotSport’s Roster Builder. (CLICK FOR VIDEO TUTORIAL)
- Player ID Cards PDF (If your team is NOT USYS or if your roster does NOT have pictures)
- All non-USYS teams must submit player ID cards with their roster.
- All teams whose roster does NOT have pictures must submit Player ID cards as a PDF.
- Medical Forms PDF
- All non-CRYSC teams must submit medical forms!
- CRYSC teams DO NOT need to upload forms, as we have yours on file.
- Click HERE – Medical Forms | USYS
- Guest Player Form – Google Survey (*If needed*)
- Complete the Google survey form linked below for your guest players!
- CRYSC Tournaments Guest Player Form Survey
- We are NO LONGER doing PDF or paper Guest Forms.
Please contact your club if you have trouble locating these forms in your respective system!
5-Step Roster Approval Process:
1. Upload Medical & Guest Player Docs into your GotSport Registration.
- Please review our “CRYSC Tournaments Guest Player Policy” – Click HERE.
- Complete the Google survey form linked below for your guest players!
- CRYSC Tournaments Guest Player Form Survey
- We are NO LONGER doing PDF or paper Guest Forms.
- Only needed if your team has guest players who are NOT on the approved roster.
- Medical Forms should be uploaded as a PDF document.
- Medical forms MUST be collated into ONE file. They can not be uploaded one form at a time.
- Click HERE to watch – “How to Upload Your PDFs After Registering”
2. Build Your Event Roster into GotSport.
- All teams must build their roster within the GotSport Roster Builder located in your team’s Event Roster tab in your GotSport Account.
- You can add and subtract players, coaches, etc., through this system.
- Click HERE to watch – “How to Build Your Team Roster in GotSport”
- There are NO exceptions to this. PDF rosters will NOT be accepted.
3. Wait For Your Approved Roster to Be Approved & Emailed to you.
- Once you have built your roster in GotSport, the Tournament Staff will review rosters.
- Once verified, Staff will put a RED STAMP on the UPPER RIGHT corner of the PDF.
- Once it has been stamped, the team coach & manager will be emailed the approved roster.
- As long as your roster in this email is correct, you DO NOT need to respond.
- If the roster you receive via email is INCORRECT, please contact staff immediately!
- Teams Who Submitted A Guest Player Form:
- The survey you completed is made into a “Proof of Guest Player Approval” document.
- This document will be stamped & included in the email with your Roster.
- Teams will receive an approved roster no later than Thursday, July 8th!
4. Prepare Your Team Families For A Successful Weekend.
- Review the Rapids Classic Rules & Regulations – Click HERE!
- Communicate our “No-Pet Policy” to your team families! – Click HERE
- Review our “Let Us Play – Sideline Conduct Policy” – Click HERE”
- Spectators & sidelines with inappropriate behavior *could* face POINT DEDUCTIONS.
5. Prepare Documents For Team Check-In.
- A Team Rep MUST check in at the Event HQ at your facility 1 HOUR before your first game!
- Your “Team Rep” can be the coach, assistant coach, or team manager.
- You will need to show proof of approved PDF forms via an electronic device!
- Save PDF files to your phone! (Google Drive, Apple Files Drive, Etc.)
- Or… pull up the email that contained your approved roster PDF.
- Check-In Google Form:
- You will complete a quick 1-min Google Form that will complete your check-in process.
- A QR code will be at the HQ Tent for you to scan or;
- A tablet will be at the HQ Tent for you to use & complete the form.
Roster Approval Timeline:
- Roster Uploading/Building will close at 5:00 PM on Wednesday, July 31st.
- All teams will receive an approved roster no later than 5:00 PM on Thursday, August 8th.
*Rec Teams Who Need Help!*
- As an event that accepts certain recreational teams, we acknowledge that some teams are being run by parents who are very new to this process.
- Please do not hesitate to contact for assistance, as we are committed to simplifying this process for all teams involved.
- Please contact [email protected] for more information!
Roster Checks Before Games:
- Referees WILL check the rosters printed on the Game Cards before each match.
- Referees WILL perform a safety/equipment check-in.
- Referees WILL NOT collect any documents from teams.
- Referees will inquire with tournament staff if there are any questions regarding player eligibility.
The On-Site Team Check-In Process
Check-In Requirements:
At Check-In, you will need to show electronic documentation proof of:
- Approved Roster (PDF)
- This is the Roster that was emailed to you with the RED stamp.
- Medical Forms (PDF)
- Guest player Survey Confirmation (Email)
- After you complete the online survey form, you will receive a confirmation email that you submitted the form.
- Show this confirmation email at Check-In.
Check-In Process:
You will need to show proof of approved PDF forms via an electronic device!
- This is the Roster that was emailed to you.
- Save PDF files to your phone! (Google Drive, Apple Files Drive, Etc.)
- Or… pull up the email that contained your approved roster PDF.
Complete Check-In Google Form @ HQ Tent Where Your First Game Is Located
- ONE Team Rep MUST check in at the Event HQ at your pod 1 HOUR before your first game!
- Your “Team Rep” can be the Head Coach, Assistant Coach, or Team Manager.
- Whoever is checking the team in will complete a quick 1-minute Google Survey to complete your check-in process.
- A QR code will be at the HQ Tent for you to scan!
Check-In Expectations:
In no event will a player be allowed to participate who has not been certified by the Rapids Tournament Staff Credentials Committee. Once play has started in the first scheduled game, no players may be added to the roster for the remainder of the tournament.
Tournament officials approve all team rosters and eligible players. Proof of team check-in with the tournament will be visible on the team’s tournament roster. Referees will review individual player credentials prior to each game. Referees will perform a safety/equipment check-in. Referees will inquire with tournament staff if there are any questions regarding player eligibility.
- Weather Protocol
Weather, Extreme Conditions, & Cancellations
The Tournament Leadership staff is committed to providing exceptional experiences for our participants. Weather is never in our control, but how we plan, prepare, and react to anything that comes our way is under our control. We stand united to provide clear communication, best-case-scenario solutions, and do everything in our power to play all games at every event we host. Regardless of the weather, all teams are expected to arrive at their fields on time unless otherwise indicated by the Tournament Director.
Most Important Weather-Related Information:
- Where To Find Weather-Related Updates
- Posts Online: Weather updates will be posted online in real-time in 2 locations:
- Location 1: The GotSport Schedule Page (Event Alert @ Top of Page)
- Location 2: The Tournament Website (Event Alert @ Top of Page)
- These will be updated within 15 minutes from when a delay starts.
- Announcements On-Site: Event Staff will make on-site announcements:
- Facility Speaker System: Some facilities have Speakers that will be used.
- Bull Horns: Event Staff will also have multiple bull horns & make
announcements while driving on golf carts through parking lots. - Announcements will be made in real-time as updates come across.
- Posts Online: Weather updates will be posted online in real-time in 2 locations:
- Games Past Halftime are Called FINAL after 60 minutes of Dealys
- If a delay exceeds 60 minutes, any games in progress will be called final at their time of stoppage if a game has reached halftime or is in the second half.
- Weather-Related Refund Policy:
- 80% refund – The event is canceled entirely due to weather or any other external forces.
- 60% refund – If only 1 game is played of the 3 guaranteed games.
- 30% refund – If only 2 games are played of the 3 guaranteed games.
- Weather-Monitoring Software:
- State-of-the-art radar software (WX Sentry) is used to make weather-based decisions.
- The software can read storm speed/direction, strength/size, and any lightning strikes that may be within a 30-mile radius, 15-mile radius, and 10-mile radius.
- Only WxSentry will be used to make weather-related decisions.
- Where To Find Weather-Related Updates
- Lodging
We have partnered with Tournament Housing Services (THS) to handle our housing needs. Teams and families in need of overnight accommodations are encouraged to Stay & Save by booking through our official housing service. THS offers access to exclusive, discounted hotel options conveniently located near the tournament playing sites. With legendary customer support, THS is certain to deliver a seamless housing experience while you Stay, Play, and Save!
Contact THS with any housing questions:
- Email: [email protected]
- Phone: 908-979-0928
- Toll-Free: 888-536-8326
STAY and SAVE with THS to take advantage of the benefits below and so much more. Here are the 6 major benefits of booking with THS:
- Real-Time Hotel Availability
- Lowest Rate Guarantee
- No Hidden Booking Fees
- Flexible Cancellations & Change Policies
- Team-Friendly Group Block Tools
- Day of Arrival & Post Event Support
- Refereeing
Rapids Classic Referee Information
Want a “better” referee? Sign up for classes, study hard, and YOU can be the change our community craves!
**Under NO circumstances are spectators, coaches, or players allowed to verbally or physically abuse referees. This shortage does have a direct correlation to the poor treatment of youth soccer referees across the US. Any unacceptable behavior will result in your removal from our facilities.**
Do You Want To Referee At the Rapids Classic?
Please email our assignor, Deanna, at [email protected]
CSA Referee Administration
- Esse Baharmast – Director of Referees
- Deanna Duncan-Allen – Director of Game Assignment/Referee Registration
Colorado Referee Committee:
- Esse Baharmast Interim State Referee Administrator / State Youth Referee Administrator
- Scott McCaslin, State Director of Referee Development
- Younes Marrakchi, State Director of Assignment
Referee Disciplinary Committee:
- Megan McCain
- Chair #2 – TBD
- Chair #3 – TBD
- [email protected]
- Facility Maps
2023 Rapids Classic Rewind
Roster Requirements & Forms
Team Roster Requirements
- All teams and players are to register by Calendar Year.
- Example: For the Fall 2024 season, a 2011 birth year = U14
- Competitive Teams: All are required to build a roster within GotSport’s Roster Builder.
- Recreational Teams: All are required to upload a club-verified PDF roster into GotSport.
Medical Release Form
Medical Release Form (USYS) – Click Here
- All competitive teams must have proof of medical release forms for all players in PDF form.
- All non-Rapids Youth Soccer teams MUST upload them as one PDF document into Got Sport.
- All Rapids Youth Soccer teams DO NOT need to upload forms as we already have them on file.
- How to upload my PDF forms into GotSport – Video Tutorial
Guest Player Rules & Forms
Guest Player Google Form (CRYSC Tournaments) – Click Here
(Only needed if your team brings guest players who are NOT on your approved roster within GotSport.)
- CLICK: Please review our full “CRYSC Tournaments Guest Player Policy”
- Complete the Google survey form linked below for your guest players!
- We are NO LONGER doing PDF or paper Guest Forms.
- Certain circumstances can be approved based on requests to tournament staff.
- CLICK: How to upload my PDF forms into GotSport – Video Tutorial
Refund Policy
Team Withdrawl
Teams withdrawing from the tournament BEFORE the registration deadline will receive a 100% refund of their registration fees. If a team withdraws from the event AFTER tournament brackets have been released, they will not receive a refund.
Weather-Related Refund Policy
- 80% refund – The event is canceled entirely due to weather or any other external forces.
- 60% refund – If only 1 game is played of the 3 guaranteed games.
- 30% refund – If only 2 games are played of the 3 guaranteed games.
- 0% refund – If all guaranteed games have been played.
Force Majeure Clause
In the event of unforeseen circumstances, such as natural disasters, government restrictions, or other force majeure events, that result in the cancellation of the tournament or prevent a team’s participation, the organizers reserve the right to determine the refund policy on a case-by-case basis.
Medical Withdrawls
In the case of a team withdrawal due to medical reasons, a written medical certificate or note from a licensed healthcare professional must be provided to be considered for a refund. The organizers will determine the refund amount based on the circumstances.
Non-Refundable Circumstances
For a tournament in progress (dates of the planned event), in the event of rain, snow, or acts of God, the tournament director can reduce game lengths or call matches at/past halftime as final scores. No refunds will be given if any of the following criteria are met:
- Late Withdrawl: A team withdraws after tournament brackets have been released.
- Forfeits: A team decides to forfeit a game, giving them less than the guaranteed minimum of played games.
- Incomplete Teams: If a team is unable to participate due to an insufficient number of players or other team-related issues, no refund will be issued.
- Disqualification: Any team that is disqualified from a tournament due to rule violations, unsportsmanlike conduct, or other breaches of rules forfeits their right to a refund.
- Refund Request Beyond Designated Period: Refund requests submitted within the designated 30-day window outlined in the tournament refund policy may not be honored. Adherence to deadlines is crucial for the efficient and fair administration of refund processes.
Tournament Facilities | Pinned Locations for Directions
Click HERE to view: Denver-Area Map With All Facilities Pinned
DICK’s Sporting Goods Park
Broomfield Commons
Aurora Sports Park
Gates South Complex
Gates North Complex
Thank You to our Proud Partners of the Rapids Classic
Congratulations go out to our 2006g Select I for winning their bracket at the Rapids Classic! Well done Ladies!!! north_rapids #north_rapids #cryscrapidsclassic
We played up an age group in the Rapids Classic and came away with a 2nd place finish. #cryscrapidsclassic #11v11 #soccerlife #rapidsyouthsoccer #ballers
2nd year Champions! Undefeated playing up in the U16 Elite division! #cryscrapidsclassic rapidsyouthsoccer ecnlgirls
Repost from rapidsyouthsoccer
🏆🤝🏆 THANK YOU to our Rapids Classic & Big Wave 2021 sponsors for helping create an amazing experience for youth players this August!! It takes a team to host these events & we deeply appreciate the contributions from our presenting sponsor dickssportinggoods + attending sponsors uchealth leagueapps goldfish_centennialeast adidas builtwithchocolatemilk crocs finedesignsofficial getjele elitespeedsp Amaze Awards & Photo Mules! #OneClubOneCommunity #CRYSCRapidsClassic #CRYSCBigWave
Finalists in the Rapids Classic! Proud of my teammates we played up in the 13U Gold A division playing 11v11. We took on some tough 09 teams and just came up short in the final!!!!👏🏻⚽️ rapidsyouthsoccer #ballers #teamwork #teammates #soccer #youthsoccer #tournament #11v11 #soccergirls #soccer #cryscrapidsclassic
✔️ Pre-match Speech
✔️ Team Photo
✔️ Coin Toss
✊The Rapids Classic is ready, are you? 🖐️ #OneClub #CRYSCRapidsClassic
Frequently Asked Questions
When does registration open and what is the registration deadline?
The Early Bird Pricing ends at 11:59 PM on Thursday, July 11th. All teams who apply on July 12th and later will be assessed a $100 late registration fee.
The Final Deadline is July 18th, 2024.
Teams who apply late may be waitlisted due to their age group reaching the maximum amount of teams. Teams will be notified no later than July 18th, 2024 of their acceptance into the event.
Where will the tournament games be located?
The tournament will be held at 4 locations:
- DICK’S Sporting Goods Complex
- The Gates Soccer Complex
- Aurora Sports Park
- Broomfield Commons Yellow & Blue Pods
- Dove Valley Regional Park
For more information, refer to our Tournament Resource Hub above!
When will teams be notified if they are accepted?
Teams will begin seeing acceptance notifications as early as 10 weeks before the tournament date.
Acceptances will cease within 3 weeks of the event date.
How many games are guaranteed?
Every team is guaranteed three games.
When will schedules be posted?
Schedules will be emailed to all teams & posted on the website between August 1st – 3rd, 2024.
Delays happen. Teams pull out. Teams are added late. Divisions change. Due to these variables, it is hard to provide an exact deadline. Based on our experience, its safer to provide a range, with our goal being the first date within the range.
Schedules can be found on GotSoccer OR at the top of this web page.
What is the point system for this tournament?
The following points are allotted per specific result:
- Teams can earn a maximum of 10 points for one game.
- WIN: Six (6) points for a win.
- DRAW: Three (3) points for a tie.
- LOSS: No (zero) points for a loss.
Additional Point Opportunities:
- One (1) point per goal scored (Up to 3 points maximum regardless of score).
- One (1) point for a shutout except for 0-0.
- Minus ONE (-1) points for any RED card issued to PLAYERS or COACHES.
- Minus TWO (-2) points for forfeiture or abandonment of a game.
Ex: If a team wins 3-0, they would earn 6pts for the win, 3pts for each goal, and 1pt for the shutout.
Let Us Play Point Deductions:
- Referees will follow a 1-warning system to spectators before issuing any cautions.
- Minus ONE (-1) point for any WARNING issued to a SPECTATOR. (Let Us Play Violation)
- Minus TWO (-2) points for any DISMISSAL issued to a SPECTATOR. (Let Us Play Violation)
- Referees & Coaches MUST identify the spectator and claim team responsibility in the event of a violation. Failure to do so will result in a forfeit of the match.
Determination of Group Winners:
In group play, there will be no overtime games. Standings in a group will be determined by the game points outlined above. In the event that two or more teams are tied in points at the end of the preliminary games, the following tiebreakers shall be applied in the order given until a winner is determined:
- Head to Head (if all teams played a balanced schedule)
- Goal Differential
- Goals For
- Goals Against
- Most Shutouts
- Best Disciplinary Record (Least amount of yellow & red cards combined)
- Penalty Kicks
Penalty Shootout:
- If ALL CATEGORIES are the same, a penalty shootout must occur to determine who advances.
- Please contact Tournament Staff immediately by talking to a referee of event staff.
- Tournament staff will contact the two teams who are tied and set up a time before the game to host a PK Shootout.
- An official tournament referee will officiate this. The winning team will advance.
For 9U-10U Matches (7v7):
- A minimum of five (5) players constitutes enough for a game. Games should start at the
given start time. In case the team does not have five (5) players present, there will be a
maximum of five (5) minutes grace period before awarding the game to the opponent. A
forfeit will be scored 3-0.
For 11U-12U Matches (9v9):
- A minimum of six (6) players constitutes enough for a game. Games should start at the
given start time. In case the team does not have six (6) players present, there will be a
maximum of five (5) minutes grace period before awarding the game to the opponent. A
forfeit will be scored 3-0.
For 13U-19U Matches (11v11):
- A minimum of seven (7) players constitutes enough for a game. Games should start at
the given start time. In case the team does not have seven (7) players present, there will
be a maximum of five (5) minutes grace period before awarding the game to the
opponent. A forfeit will be scored 3-0.
How can I find out the scores and standings?
All scores are entered and updated immediately online as soon as game cards are received. The scores for the final game of the day will be entered within 2 hours of the score being received. All flights and playoff games for day 2 of the tournament will be updated online 2 hours following the final game on day 1. The website will be the most up-to-date and accurate information for scores and standings.
Will there be finals for all flights?
All teams are guaranteed a minimum of three (3) games, weather permitting. The bracket size for each age group will determine group formats. Single-age brackets will be standard, while combined-age brackets may occur based on registration numbers. The tournament organizer will determine brackets.
- 4-team bracket – 3-game round robin with two highest point teams playing in a championship.
- 5-team bracket – 4-game round robin with the highest point team as champion.
- 6-team bracket – Two 3-team groups with cross-bracket group play. Each team will play 3 games, one against each team in the opposite group. The top 2 teams overall will play in a final.
- 8-team bracket – Two 4-team groups, with the top team in each group playing in the final.
Who will be receiving medals and trophies?
First Place:
- Champions’ medals will be presented to the winning team after the final game.
- First-place teams will also receive a trophy after the match.
Second Place:
- Finalist medals will be presented to the second-place team after the final game.
Championship Photo Shoots:
- Teams will be given a “Champions Banner” and can take pictures on the field or at the designated photo area at your facility after the match.