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Player of the Month July 2023

Categories: Player of the Month
Published on: July 21, 2023

Congrats to Sophia Harkless on winning our July 2023 UCHealth Player of the Month award!


Sophia plays goalkeeper for our Rapids 13G Fort Collins Select II and Select I teams, where her positive attitude and extremely kind nature are seen every day. Her teammates and coaches say she’s quick to give a compliment and words of encouragement to those who need it. As a player, Sophia won Player of the Week for both of her teams in March 2023. Off the field, Sophia is a proud youth member of the Alpaca Owner’s Association, showing her alpacas at various events, and winning multiple blue and red ribbons along with Grand Champion awards in her age group.

This August, Sophia will be presented with a plaque and a gift card to acknowledge her achievements. We spoke with Sophia and her parents to learn a bit more about her. Check out the full interview below!

What influence has soccer had in your life?

Soccer has been a major part of Sophie’s life since she could walk. She would get her older siblings soccer balls and be kicking them on the sidelines. She has a passion and love for the sport. She wants to grow in the sport but she wants to see her teammates and friends right along side her in the growth.

Why do you believe that you were nominated for this award?

Sophie believes she has received this award because she is a good example of sportsmanship, being a leader and a good teammate.

What do you enjoy most about playing for Colorado Rapids Youth Soccer Club?

Sophia feels that it is an honor to play for the club and to be able to be a part of a bigger picture that some children do not get to be a part of. She enjoys growing and learning more about the sport alongside her teammates.

What soccer accomplishment are you most proud of?

She is very proud of being named Player of The Week at two CRYSC tournaments this last season.

What academic achievement are you most proud of?

She is proud of getting high scores in her tests in reading and writing. She understands the importance of being able to use communication to help others.

How do you think your teammates would describe you?

Sophie is fun, kind, encouraging, and a leader. She is a good teammate and tries to learn on the pitch. She also wants her teammates to learn.

What is something that shows your exemplary character, commitment to sportsmanship, community involvement, etc..?

Sophie normally plays goal keeper on the pitch. She was at a soccer tournament when a new player to the team wanted to try her hand at goal keeper. Sophie didn’t sit on the sidelines and sulk at her lack of playing time instead she was cheering on this new teammate. The teammate missed some goals but Sophie kept encouraging her. When the new teammate made a save Sophie ran onto the field, lifted the player up, and congratulated the player as if she had just won the game for them. The smile on the new player’s face made Sophie’s day. She is the type of player that will not let another player feel like they aren’t good enough to play the sport at that moment because given time they can grow to be the player they envision.

What’s your favorite soccer player and team?

Cristiano Ronaldo/Portugal

What do you hope to pursue in the near future?

Sophie hopes to become a part of law enforcement when she grows up. She has had this goal since age 3. She wants to make a difference in her community and for others. She hopes to achieve her goals by utilizing soccer as a platform towards higher education.

Who inspires you and why? This can be someone famous or someone you know personally!

Sophie’s hero is her older brother, Ethan. She first learned to love the sport of soccer as a toddler watching him play at games. She decided she wanted to be just like him and play goal keeper when she was old enough to play on a team. He inspires her because he has always told her that she cannot give up, nor stop trying to reach her goals and dreams in soccer. He has taught her to always be a good sport no matter if you win or lose. Lastly, she would like to beat all of the achievements he has gotten in soccer by training hard like he has and never forgetting the main rule “have fun on the pitch.”

What else do you enjoy outside of playing for CRYSC?

Sophia is a proud junior member of the Alpaca Owner’s Association. She has worked hard training and learning about alpacas. She shows her alpacas at various shows throughout the year. She has won many blue ribbons and Grand Champion awards in youth performance. This year she came in 1st place in the Junior level (her age group level) in the nation! This is a national level award. She also volunteers at other alpaca farms helping with their animals.

Since 2018, CRYSC and UCHealth + CU Orthopedics and Sports Medicine have worked together in an effort to grow the safety and health resources that are available for Rapids Youth players and members.

As our partnership strengthens with UCHealth, we want to work together to highlight the amazing players within the Colorado Rapids Youth Soccer Club with a monthly ‘Player of the Month’. Check out the criteria and nominate any players that deserve to be highlighted by UCHealth and CRYSC on the UCHealth Player of the Month page.

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