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Player of the Month October 2021

Categories: Player of the Month
Published on: October 28, 2021

Congratulations to Teagan Lierman on winning the UCHealth Player of the Month award for October 2021!


Teagan plays on the Rapids 03/04G Select 1 team as a striker and is having a prolific season in front of goal! This year, she helped her team to a President’s Cup final victory, taking home the game’s MVP award for an incredible 4-goal display. When Teagan isn’t leading the line for her team, she enjoys playing softball and volunteering with the Northern Lights Little League in Thornton. Teagan is our latest UCHealth Player of the Month because of her accomplishments on the field, in her community, and as an example that younger CRYSC players can look up to!

This November, Teagan will be presented with a plaque and gift card to acknowledge her achievement, so watch the CRYSC social pages for more updates. We spoke with Teagan to learn a bit more about her and see what drives her game. Check out the full interview below!

What influence has soccer had in your life?

I have been playing soccer since I was 3, so it has always been a major part of my life. It has taught me how to persevere through difficult challenges and never give up. Soccer has always been my escape as well, giving me a place to express myself in a variety of ways. I have met some of my best friends through soccer. It’s my passion and I am forever thankful for every single opportunity soccer has presented me with.

Why do you believe that you were nominated for this award?

I believe I was nominated for this award because of my hard work and dedication to this team this season. My team had an excellent President’s Cup tournament, in which I helped lead us to victory in the final by scoring all 4 goals. This performance earned me MVP of the tournament.

What do you enjoy most about playing for Colorado Rapids Youth Soccer Club?

I enjoy the playing for the Club because of the opportunities available for training and games in addition to its positive culture.

What soccer accomplishment are you most proud of?

MVP in President’s Cup

What academic achievement are you most proud of?

I am a straight A student in high school and will graduate with 20+ college credits.

How do you think your teammates would describe you?

My teammates would describe me as being composed in the box, strong in the air, and knowledgeable about the game. Outside of soccer, they would describe me as nice, caring, smart, and hard working.

What is something that shows your exemplary character, commitment to sportsmanship, community involvement, etc..?

For most of my life, I have had to balance 2 sports along with school activities. I am an active member in DECA and am in National Technical Honor Society. I play 2 competitive sports in addition to playing them for my school. I have taken a series of advanced and rigorous courses while maintaining a 4.21 cumulative GPA.

What’s your favorite soccer player and team?

My favorite soccer team is the United States Women’s National Team.

What do you hope to pursue in the near future?

In the future, I hope to obtain a degree in forensic science to become a crime scene investigator.

Who inspires you and why? This can be someone famous or someone you know personally!

My grandpa inspires me the most. He was my best friend and would attend as many games as he could. If he couldn’t make them, he would always be sure to ask me how it went and how I personally played. When he passed away, I had a hard time staying motivated but I knew that is not what he would want me to do, so now I play every single game for him. I put everything I have into whatever I do because I know that is exactly what he would want me to do.

What else do you enjoy outside of playing for CRYSC?

Outside of playing for CRYSC, I enjoy playing competitive softball, going camping with my family, hanging out with my friends, and traveling.

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Since 2018, CRYSC and UCHealth + CU Orthopedics and Sports Medicine have worked together in an effort to grow the safety and health resources that are available for Rapids Youth players and members.

As our partnership strengthens with UCHealth, we want to work together to highlight the amazing players within the Colorado Rapids Youth Soccer Club with a monthly ‘Player of the Month’. Check out the criteria and nominate any players that deserve to be highlighted by UCHealth and CRYSC on the UCHealth Player of the Month page.

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